Hot Whiskey Cider

This delicious, warming cocktail is a staple at Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery in Nashville during the cold winter months. It’s perfect for making larger batches when entertaining friends and family over the Holidays.
2 oz Nelson’s Green Brier Tennessee Whiskey
4 oz spiced apple cider
.5 oz lemon juice
.25 oz honey simple syrup (2:1 ratio raw honey to water)
.25 oz cinnamon syrup (recipe below)
2 dashes aromatic bitters
2 dashes black lemon bitters
For each serving, heat spiced cider, lemon juice, honey syrup and cinnamon syrup until piping hot but not boiling. Pour 2 ounces of whiskey into a mug, add the cider mixture and bitters and stir to combine. Garnish the drink with a cinnamon stick and dried citrus.
For the spiced apple cider: simmer local apple cider with a few cloves and allspice. Let it slowly simmer for 15-30 minutes to pick up all the flavors.
Cinnamon Syrup
For the cinnamon syrup: combine one cup sugar, one cup water and 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon. Bring to a simmer and stir periodically. As soon as it starts boiling, take it off the heat and continue stirring to ensure the sugar is dissolved. Strain through a coffee filter or cheesecloth to remove excess cinnamon and refrigerate until needed.